Someone asked if we get to keep Alexandra now that court has been completed. We wish! On January 9th the ten day waiting period ends and then the three of us say a quick and courteous farewell to the orphanage. It is a nice place and all....and I am grateful for the care that they have given our daughter up to this point. But we are ready to hit the road and take her home.
After our morning visit, we walked home from the orphanage. Usually it takes about 25 minutes but the extreme icy conditions made it about ten minutes longer. Some poor guy nearly wiped out, and as he slid by us Candace started laughing hysterically.
Today, I read the book that Candace brought with her. It wasn't bad and I think I enjoyed it more than she did. More importantly, it passed a few more hours. I know I said it before...and at the risk of sounding repetetively whiny, the afternoons can be extremely boring here. I have resorted to downloading crossword puzzles from the internet to work on while Candace naps. I just can't get into the daytime sleeping. I think there is a limit to how much sleep my body is willing to accept. Even when I stay up late (11:00 pm) I still end up having around 9 hours. So afternoon naps are not really necessary I guess. Later in the afternoon, I spent some time at the nearby mall wandering from store to store, caught in the flow of the last minute holdiay shoppers. It is tomorrow night that Father Frost visits the Russian-Ukrainian children to give them their presents.
The evening visit was pretty quiet. I think Alexandra got a bit played out near the end of it. For the last half hour, Candace and I alternated carrying her around as she lay her head on our shoulder and relaxed. We thought about how neat it will be when we are home and Alexandra will actually fall asleep while we are doing this...and we can carry her into her own bed for the rest of the night. After our visit, we spent some time with our American friends in the newly renovated lobby-bar at our hotel before heading to the grocery store to pick up supper.
On Saturday, January 13th we get back to Manitoba. We'll stay overnight at Candace's sisters in Winnipeg before making the short trek home the following day. With much of the process completed and everything else on hold until after the upcoming holiday week, we are just counting down the days until we get home. Two weeks from today we will be in Manitoba. That doesn't sound so long. One image that keeps us focused is a vision of a Sunday morning in the not-to-distant future. We already can see the three of us spending time cuddled together in our bed before getting up to make breakfast together. Then we'll slowly get dressed and pull a sled around the neighbourhood to visit friends. Once we make it back home, I'll tip toe around while Candace and Alexandra have their mid-day naps. After maybe 90 minutes or so, I'll make a series of small noises loud enough to wake the little one. Then we'll quietly head downstairs, father and daughter, to spend the rest of the afternoon doing something together. I won't be selfish though...I'll wake Candace in time for supper.