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Monday, December 11, 2006

We slept well

Candace and I woke up about 2 am and talked for an hour. We fell back asleep and then slept until 11:30 am. This was probably the latest that I have slept in 20 years. At about noon the doorbell rang and Candace's luggage arrived. That was great news because her clothes that we washed last night were still wet.
We got a call that we were going to be picked up in 15 minutes. We rushed to get ready and then joined the two other couples and our escorts downstairs. We walked for about 15 minutes to a cafe where we had lunch. Our facilitators left us alone and we visited and talked about the appointments the other couples had this morning. Then we went to the notary public to get some documents signed. We then had to walk home. Despite directions we got got a bit lost...we need to carry a map at all times. Kiev is a big city (3 million people) and it is easy to get turned around. Fortunately, we came to the main square which we were familiar with. We went into the internet cafe and checked out a city map online to find our way back.


Kaitlan said...

WOW, did i ever have no idea you guys were getting a kid. Thats so cool. Im sure u two will be great parents! Hopefully she'll grow up to be super tall so she can place basketball!!! lol Good luck with everything!

Rob, trish, Michael & Christian said...

Hi Guys,

Everyone has been thinking about you both. It will not be long now. We will look forward to seeing a picture on the site.

Take Care

Rob, Trish, Michael & Christian