Happy new year everyone! Candace and I hope that each of you brought in 2007 safely. Also, happy birthday to my sister Nicole who celebrates her special day today. I won't say how old she is...younger then me but still old.
It was incredibly quiet here this morning. It took us 15 minutes before we saw a taxi. Uusally, there are 6 - 10 parked in fron of our hotel. While we were waiting we walked a bit. Even though it was around 9:00 am, there were still some people in Santa hats drinking. There were empty bottles and spent fireworks littering the streets, as well as a couple of used syringes. We also came upon a two-vehicle collision. Several people were pushing one car (a Lada) from a pole that it had struck after it hit another car. Everyone seemed okay...and everyone appeared to be inebriated.
Walking home from our morning visit, there were still fireworks going off as we walked down the street. Candace said, "Oh I can't wait to get home. It's been four weeks since I have shopped". I am sure the merchants in Brandon miss her business as well. To be fair, I can't wait to get back to where the poeple in the stores talk like me and where there are products with which I am familiar in a currency that I am used to. I can't wait to get to the toy section of Walmart with Alexandra in tow as I help her fill a shopping cart with things to take home.
Our evening visit was really peaceful. When we arrived the Spanish couple was just leaving and the Americans did not show up. So it was just the three of us in the big room from about 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Alexandra was quite entertaining...she did several things that made us laugh out loud.
We had supper at our hotel room watching Euronews, which was actually mainly in English. Then I worked on Alexandra's immigration application while Candace did some laundry in our sink. We played cards for a couple of hours while watching the countdown for the Top 100 music videos of 2006. Then it was lights out by 11:00 pm. What a wild life we are leading over here.
Since New Years is the time for resolutions, I thought I would help Alexandra make her resolutions for 2007 since she doesn't speak English so well. Here goes...I Mila Alexandra David do hereby resolve:
1. To always wear a seatbelt when travelling in a car.
2. To stop eating hard candy, even when it given to me by doctors.
3. To brush my teeth regularly.
4. To stop drinking tea during breakfast and my evening snack.
5. To love mommy and daddy, even when they do things for me that are good for me but I don't like.
6. To stay away from boys until I am 21 years old.
Hi Guys,
Eleven days to go and you will be back in Canada. Are you the only couple still at the orphanage or is the American couple still there until the second week of Jan?
Take care
Happy New Year! It was a quiet one here as well. Just the two of us as the girls were out celebrating with friends. Alexandra's resolutions sound really good - good luck with #6. All the best.
Perry & Darlene
Happy New Year! What a terrific year 2007 is bound to be for your family! We've been very interested in your accounts of the prices of things in Ukraine. My mom's cousin came here a number of years ago to work to make $ to take home. At that time, as a high school teacher, she earned $15/month, so a meal at McDonald's or almost anything else was out of reach. Their standard of living was unbelievably low compared to ours. She could remake clothes, etc. just to make use of anything she could get. Anyway, hope your last few days there are good, and that your travels are safe ones.
haha I like # 6 because boys are nothing but trouble but good luck trying to keep her away for that long lol Happy New Years!
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